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Striving to further the Kingdom of God, students and staff at Central Iowa Christian School have selected three areas of service to focus their mission: Mary's Meals, which addresses global poverty; MICA, which provides food for local families in Grinnell, and service to local churches.

Mary's Meals


Mary's Meals believes every child in the world should have one meal in their place of education every day. They are currently feeding over 1 million children each day. By tying the meals to school attendance, Mary's Meals is increasing access to and attendance in schools. Education is the long-term solution to world hunger, so Mary's Meals is addressing both the short-term and long-term needs of the hungriest children in the world.



MICA works with local communities to provide food pantries for families in need.

CICS students dedicate several of their holiday parties to collecting, packaging and delivering collected non-perishables to MICA here in Grinnell. For example, Heritage Farm provides an awesome spread of fresh vegetables each fall that the students bag for Thanksgiving. 

Church Service


Central Iowa Christian School offers service to any local churches. If you know of a way we can serve your church, let us know!!

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